Saturday, June 18, 2011

Comet Is In Doggy Heaven

This was much harder than I thought.
Although not my most favorite dog on earth, I started remembering some of the good times in camping with him and going roller blading with that little dog keeping up a very fast pace.

He didn't offer any resistance. He was ready to go. That made it a little easier, but the memories made it difficult. He just laid there. He hadn't eaten in over a week.

The staff was ever-so-good to us. I took Lynnette since she has been taking care of him. They didn't make us wait, they immediately took us into a room and instead of having to pay at the counter after it was over, they took the payment in the exam room. I was very good with that, by the time you start walking out of that place, there are probably going to be some tears and you probably aren't really going to want to have to deal with it and being in front of other people would be very uncomfortable in that kind of frame of mind.

The vet came in - it was the perfect person with the perfect personality for the job. Probably a bit pricier than other vets, but their staff is so good there it is worth a few extra dollars to have the best experience you can considering the circumstances.

Comet. He was 15 years old. I got him when he was 5. He was brought up from the streets of Guadalajara through an adoption agency that has an agreement with the Mexican government to take stray dogs off the street and bring them here. They pick up the kinds of breeds that are very popular here - saving the dog from certain death, probable starvation and giving a person or family the chance to get a breed of dog that is usually very pricey at a very low fee comparably. I am not in the mood to do anything, though a family just came over to pick up some pond plants that I was either giving away or going to have to chuck into the trash, it had grown too big. I didn't really feel like doing that, but I had forgotten the ad I had placed and they wanted to come get them.

Life goes on. Lynnette is heart broken, she grew to love that dog and they spent a lot of time together. I guess I can say fortunately, getting over the death of a dog is much easier than getting over the death of a loved one.



Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Comet, Ben (Lynnette) :(

Western Australia

BenB said...

Thanks Lynne, I really appreciate that.

Dorrie said...

I dread the day when I'll have to put my cat, Shila, down. She's now 16 and still quite active... but for how long? Pets are part of family and thus it's ok to be sad ... {hugs}

BenB said...

Thanks Dorrie. I know, the older they get, you start thinking about the day when they are going to go away a little more.

Fin said...

Until Copper entered our household, I had forgotten just how entirely they can insinuate themselves into your lives and hearts.

 Saturday - late afternoon I did not get up early since I had second load and was really deep in sleep again.  Like, this all seems to have ...