Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday 10/28/2011

Ahh, the joy of Friday.

What great plans do I have for the weekend?
Just continue to work on the landscaping stuff.
Hope that the wallpaper shows up today so we can
get a start on that as well.
Maybe try to get to one of the prayer groups they started this week.
They - the church - are continually asking for volunteers to work
whatever - a fair type thing that the church is hosting for local
residents - I finally gave in and decided to volunteer for a couple
of hours at a dunking tank thing. You know, like bobbing for apples
or whatever.

How do you kill a kid? I don't get it. They found the remains of
that 11 year old kid that went missing along with his mother. The husband
has been charged in the death of the mother and the boy. I dunno, but I
fear for a person going around killing kids, not fearing what may happen in this
life, it's the next life that would worry me. The guy could have offed himself
and that would be a bit better than him killing his wife and kid.

So, one of the financial experts claims that there is some form of recession every 4 years and that - 2012 of course is another 4 years up. I even heard one of them state that
getting the max benefit out of your 401k - at least putting in as much as you can get matching funds from your employer - is a no-no right now. Apparently the thought is that you are going
to lose all that money in there, anyway, why bother to save money that's going to disappear?

I'm not willing to go that far with it. Not yet, anyway. I paid down 1 401k loan and will pay down the other 1. If nothing else, I will be able to borrow up to 50% of it if it's just going to disappear. I'm not necessarily "into" this doom and gloom business, but I do read both sides of the story, there isn't that much coming out on the other side of it. The government would like you to believe that we are slowly coming out of the recession. My answer to this is to simply save money in a bank savings account. It's already been taxed and it isn't subjected to the stock market. It isn't necessarily growing too much in interest, but at least it's there.

I don't see a lot of anyone suggesting to just save your money. I don't see other, viable alternatives, frankly, so I am going to continue with what I am doing and save cash in a bank account and still have 5% taken out in the 401k and see what happens. This world's economy and God's economy are 2 different things. Last time I checked, God wasn't broke. As many point out, the answer to this problem is really quite simple: go out and spend money. Buy new products and infuse the money into the "system". Of course, when most people that used to have money don't have any - what money are they supposed to spend?

I don't lose sleep over this, lemme tell ya. I have spent a considerable amount of my adult life in the "poor" bracket and the realities of living without are all too well known to me. I know how to survive when there is nothing to live off of. Unpleasant realities, perhaps, but reality never-the-less. Living in a house with evaporative cooling that doesn't work very well in summer. Going 7 or 8 months without hot water because I couldn't afford to buy a new water heater. On and on that story went. I'll have my travel trailer up on my mother's property next year, Lord willing and I will still have the other one here. I can live in a travel trailer - not the most pleasant thing on earth but better than the streets.

But, I hope that the economy doesn't get that bad and that people aren't roving the streets in gangs, invading people's homes to forage for food and all the junk that the extreme doom and gloomers are predicting.

Whatever the case, I am still employed and........
it's time to go to work.



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  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...