Tuesday, August 25, 2020

 I'm almost regretting I didn't just say yes, I'll stay another week.  This is easy work for the money.  But, today/tonight was my last hoorah here.

Well, it's easy work but it's junk equipment, not something I would want to do forever. But really nice people running the plant where you pick up the loaded trailers and you contact them when you get to the paper mill as well. They control the entire operation remotely.  

But I'd like to be home in time for this hurricane. We are a few hundred miles north of it, but that funnel graph they do? We are directly in it's path.  I"m expecting the power to go out and I want to be home if that happens to get the generator out, running and providing electricity to the freezers, refrigerator, my window AC unit lol and whatever they need for the rest of the house.  

"East Texas gets the most of it" the dude is saying right now on whatever this weather channel is showing a graph of red directly over our town.  So yeah, I"m glad to go home and help out and be with my doggies : ). 

Get 10 gallons of fuel as well.  I dunno how much fuel that generator uses. If the power goes out everywhere, the gas stations aren't going to be able to pump fuel. I asked them to get some fuel today but I didn't get a response.  Which doesn't mean anything bad, lol, she gets busy at work and sometimes I don't hear back until the next day.  She being Taylor and the house and yes, she can't deal with those wicked storms.  Extreme anxiety. I just worry about these giant trees coming down and killing all of us. They are huge  trees, I've seen the aftermath of them falling on houses and it ain't pretty. 

Good Lord, now they're saying it may hit a category 3 by the time it hits landfall and " could hit Texas with extreme winds". WTH. No thanks!  Of course, these forecasters/meteorologists could be completely wrong lol.  But this dude is convinced. Up to 14 FEET swelling going INLAND.  

And one of our accounts is directly in the path of this 9 to 14 foot surge, they are on the coast and I have no idea what they are doing, but I would suspect they are shutting the plant down and getting the hell out of there. 

There are other things going on that are high on the list of importance but - geeze. I don't want to go too deep into other people's lives - especially those I am living with and are friends - on the internet.  It's after midnight and I'm going to bed lol. A day of travel tomorrow tho when it's flying that's usually a nice day : )

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 9:00 pm and it has dropped down to 31 degrees.  I was wearing a T shirt this morning when I went to get into the truck. I always love Texas...