Wednesday, March 22, 2023

 Wednesday - Morning - Semi-early

Didn't sleep worth a pile of pins last night.  No idea why.  Just didn't.  I'm hardly coughing anymore, the meds are working quite well. 

Tried to see estimates for this month's electric bill, they just show a graph and it doesn't show the cost. Most days are just estimates, not actual usage.  

A person of interest threw out a - sort - of - interest in loaning me money stating they are interested in finding a way to increase their portfolio via interest.  Hmmm, I thought, I wonder if this person is serious.  Well, I'll look up average business loan interest rates going right now after being asked.  I found anything between 5 and 10%, but I need to do more searching. That may be old information, interest rates may be more than that now.

This would be amazing even at a high interest rate.  Add another 14 lots and even with a heavy mortgage note, I could still make enough money to live off of comfortably.  I will be floating this idea around with this person to see if they are actually serious about it.  They have money, I can say that for sure. I can also say with great confidence that I could fill up another 14 spaces within a month - or less. 

I could still manage a 28 space park without any employees.  I would probably get some outside contractors for certain things such as lawn maintenance.  I don't want employees - at least for now - because of the expense, obviously, but also the paperwork and IRS requirements.  Just a lot more work. I'm sole proprietor and it's fairly simply process.

Well, I'm not going to elaborate on this too much until I find out if this person is really serious about it.  I'm good for the money and yes, the RV park would be put up for collaterol.  In my view, it's a no lose situation.  If worse came to worse, I could quick-sell it for $300k, pay that person back and move on with life. I wouldn't expect that to happen, not with all the phone calls i get on a daily basis with people looking for long term rentals.  

Anyway, I have one mission today: Try to get that laundry set up close to done.  I'm pretty sure I can't get it all done, but I am sure that I can get pretty close.  I have to hook up everything in the breaker box, finish the water heater wiring, another wall outlet setup, the drain pipe going through the roof then move the dryer into position, determine where the hole should be in the side of the shed for the exhaust, get that hooked up, plug it all in, hook up the water lines and walaah.

LMAO, I can tell ya that is not all happening today, but I can get pretty close.  Plus hooking up the 3 main lines at the pedestal.  

OH and a second ground rod. That took me a good hour yesterday to drive in the first one. I hit some rock or something about 6 feet down and it took quite a while to beat that rod through whatever it was.  My reading has indicated that it's good to have 2 grounding rods for safety.  So, that's what I'm doing.  With all that I will have going in there, I want to be sure this isn't lacking.  

Well, my coffee time is up.  I have to do Cardpointe training - apparently it is an "annual" thing even tho I most certainly have not had it for a year.  Last night, some people called asking if I had a space available for the night? Sure - but it was so late I wasn't going to go over there to meet them. Simply pay for the reservation online and find your lot.  They called an hour later asking about WiFi?  Got that going and done with them.  Late night stragglers, lol, good for a bit of income.  Nothing I'll turn down, that's for sure, unless there are no lots available.  

Which reminds me, I keep forgetting: My signs need lighting on them. Solar lighting.  You know, it charges a battery during the day and automatically comes on at night? There is a sign off the highway right next to mine that has solar lighting and works quite well.  But especially the entrance sign at the park. At night? It's not the easiest thing to see, there are hardly any street lights on my street and the ones that do exist are not provided by the county, that's private citizens' setup.  

Ok, I could go on forever, I really need to get out of here.


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