Thursday, August 10, 2023

 Due ot mowers being broken I hadn't mowed in a while. The other day, I got the riding mower back and got the tall weeds behind the west wide trailers mowed down.  Needs a second pass on a lower deck level setting, but it's good.

My next thing was to go ahead and hand mow all the lots after getting the push mower working.  But, I was going to wait until I feel even a little better to do so.  Well, the friend that is a bartender at a local restaurant overhead the 3 that came in as a group some 5 or 6 months ago talking about moving out of my park because of the grass and weeds not being cut.  

They have a point but they have no information why it got like that. Doesn't matter, really, people don't care about the reasons, they will just move on and not even say why they are moving on when they get disgruntled.  So I forced my sick @$$ out of bed and went over there and mowed 5 lots and pulled weeds on 2 of them.  It may or may not make them happy, who knows, but I have got to at least try to appease them. Losing them would be losing 3 lots worth of rent and I just can't afford that right now.  

I'm going to go buy a battery operated weed eater that I can't afford to do the edging, probably tomorrow. Right now, I'm absolute toast.  It's hot out there, I was feeling hellish when I left to go over there, probably being out in the heat and sun actually helps, but right now? No thank you. 

I will get the grass around the pedestals out and pull more weeds tomorrow and then just make it a point to make sure I get to them once a week or so.  Not that it needs once a week, there has been no rain and nothing is growing really - except the weeds. It's like they don't care about water.  They aren't growing fast but it does look pretty unpresentable when they get 6 to 8 inches high.  Well, they were 4 to 6 inches high, just saying they start popping up they start looking ugly.

I dunno, but I'll get every last week off of their gravel areas - I got most of it today anyway - and around the pedestal - mower won't do it around those - and call it good.  It's 20 days before they would move out, they are paid up through the beginning of September.  Maybe I should get a pallet of sod to make them happier.  Another chunk of change I can't afford.  

Dunno.  Anyway, that's it.  I'm going back to bed.  


Anonymous said...

Have you priced a landscape service to do this for you?

It might be cheaper than the loss of three long termers.

BenB said...

I don't have the money for it. I've thought of doing that as well, but the power bills are eating me alive and this month is going to probably be higher than last month. Get out of August and I might be able to consider it.

 Saturday - afternoon It only took an hour to unload the truck.  It took a combined 25 minutes, however, to get security guards to the scale...