Wednesday, September 27, 2023

 I'm going to recap this here.  This is if I decide to leave without finishing. I will do that if they don't release me from here after Friday. I might think about staying a weekend to finish training if I need more of it, but I'm not staying into next week.  I have an RV park to run and rent to collect, it's not going to continue having 15 of 16 lots full if I'm not there.  Sunday is 2 weeks, which is what I agreed to, so I would consider staying that long - maybe. 


1.  No sheets for the beds, no blankets.

2.  $15 a day for food.  And that was taken from me on Saturday, which means 5 days I've had to cover my own food and rest assured, you can't eat on $15 per day.

3.  No hotel.  You are put into this bunkhouse, with sheets full of rules posted on the walls all over the place. It's more like a Boy Scout camp or a prison situation, a nanny house with rules towards grown adults.

4. There are no tables or desks here.  You can't sit down and eat your dinner at a table or put up your laptop on a desk.  The have TV tables, those little things you put in front of you while sitting on a recliner, for that's all that's in there are 2 recliners.  

5. You have no control over the heat in here.  That is left to the whims of the office manager who has decided that 68 degrees is sufficient.

6. The laundry room is directly below a portion of this house and it is open 24 hours a days. There are many nights where people are doing laundry in the middle of the night, making a lot of noise and don't care or know that people are attempting to sleep above them.

7.  Interstate.  The Interstate is about 150 feet away from this house. It is noisy and the noise goes on all night long.

8.  The nearest grocery store of any consequence is about 17 miles from here.  There are no stores where this place is beyond a food truck.  

9. There is one vehicle available. It is not available on the weekends and it is only available Monday-Friday 8-5. 

10.  Good luck finding time to go the nearest town to get any supplies during those hours.

11. Heat. You want heat in that place you’re SOL. The thermostat is in the office and the manager dictates the temperature you are comfortable with. 

You are not paid for the first day here, you have to go through drug testing and a bunch of physical tests that takes around 3 hours.  It's not fun, btw and they should be paying you for anything you are doing company related.

The first week is orientation. If you work hard, you can get done early on most days.  The second week is actual truck training.  

No hotel and your trip here is dictated by the company. I was stuck in the middle seat on an almost 4 hour flight over here and had to pay to upgrade to an aisle seat.  

There is probably more I am forgetting, but I wanted to get that down before I forget any of it.

I have lunch ready for tomorrow and coffee brewed, just reheat it, drink a cup when I get up and take a cup with me. Also shaved already to get that over with and minimize the amount of stuff I need to do.  

This presidential debate is boring. I'm not going to watch any more of it.  

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