Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 So, they're telling me if it's done today, it won't be until they close.  Didn't care, really, just figured home later than I want to be but no big deal.  

Fast forward.  Dispatch calls.  How's it going with your truck? Well, they don't know if it's going to be finished today, but if it is, it's not going to be until closing time at 6.

Well, can you load today? What kind of question is that, I'm thinking.  It's an hour and twenty minutes to my park.  Hook the trailer and then an hour and 35 minutes to the washout, where there would allegedly be a cleaned out trailer for me.  Drop my trailer and pick that one up.  35 minutes to the plant in Lufkin.  An hour MINIMUM at the plant, could be much longer, who knows?  2 hours including fueling going back to my park. 

You're talking 1 am at the minimum and probably much later, more like 2 or 3 with all the trailer hooking and dropping plus loading before the "day" is over.  And if I am too tired to drive back to the park, where am I going to park overnight? It's guaranteed that both Love's and the Pilot parking lots will be completely full and all "creative" parking will be taken as well.  I guess I could drive to the washout for the night, they don't care if we park there and I wouldn't have to fight for a parking spot.  35 minute drive instead of 1 hour 45 minutes in the dark, late at night, sleepy and not wanting to drive.  

Then, it would be straight to Gurdon tomorrow, no stopping at home until I get back from delivering.  

You see, now I'm hoping they will not be finished with my truck today.  Like, the man said "my goal is to get your truck finished, I'll let you know in a while whether you're going to have to get another hotel".  Yes, please.  If I see him again any time soon, it's going to be "well now I don't care if you don't get it done considering the alternative".  It's an hour and 45 minutes until closing.  

I guess I better take a good long nap in case I have to do all of this night driving, for they are not going to let me out of it unless I can't leave here.  No rush, please! lol

I get the feeling it won't work out that way.  I get the feeling this is going to be an extraordinarily long day and get over it, deal with it, get it done and over with.  At least the AC in the truck will be fixed?  That would be a good thing.  

I dunno, but I didn't sign up for late night driving.  I just don't want to do that anymore.  I get sleepy and I have to fight to stay awake, I don't care how rested I am, it just does that.  

Watching hundreds of air crash episodes both they Mayday version, other versions, watching videos of Mentour Pilot and others, they discuss at time circadian rhythms and how it can affect your performance if you are trying to fly - or drive in this case - at a time of the night when you are normally or should be sleeping.  

Whatever. Nothing new to me, but I find the older I'm getting the less I want to stay up late.  10 pm is about as late as I like to stay up, going to bed at 9 is better.  But, that's also considering getting up at 5:30 am.  

Ok, well I'm going to try and take a nap.  It's the only thing I can do right now to help mitigate what is probably coming at me tonight.  

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  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...