Monday, October 7, 2024

 Monday - early

I don't have to leave here until noonish, but I have stuff to get done and I was already about it.  I got up, took a shower and immediately headed over to the park.  The outside camera needs recharged and I wanted to wait until just before leaving so I can hopefully have it charged enough to last the entire week. It usually lasts at least that long with a full charge. Also took the new weedeater over there and put it in the closet in the shed next to the shower.  I dont want it left outside and I was hesitant to even bring it over in the first place. 

The kid, no idea. He's 31 years old so not exactly a child, but that's the way he acts. Spoiled and immature.  I haven't been keeping track of him since the ultimatum except that day when I made it, he worked that day, has he since then? I can look at the camera once I get to Dallas and sitting there for 2-1/2 hours twiddling my thumbs.

I still have to go to the bank and deposit cash and go get some TP for the shed.  I have to go back over after 3 hours or so anyway, might as well take the toilet tissue over there as well. I don't much care to keep it stocked, people take advantage of it and go through it quickly. I suspect some are still sneaking rolls of it out for their trailers.  It's a convenience, yes, but people use it constantly versus using the bathroom in their trailers.  And lots of people take showers in there.  I get that, those older trailers have 5 gallon water heaters in them and you might take a 3 minute shower or something like that and then it's done.  No more hot water.  

I also still have to pack, but that won't take but 10 minutes and that will be done.  

Nice clear flying weather today. No storms between here and AZ, 1 stop at DFW, nice day to fly.  No red eye flights, I chose this afternoon flying on purpose.  I used to do the red eyes to save money, but what a hassle.  I also used to drive to either Love's field or DFW to save money.  And tho the savings can be significant, you have to factor in driving over there, so gas spent and then paying exorbitant amount of money per day to park your vehicle.  

The savings disappear when you take the whole picture into consideration.  A lot less hassle. It's a very small airport over at GGG, same security measures to get into the secured areas but after that, there is no more.  Yes, my license has the gold star for RealID compliance, I just checked lol.  That is a requirement now, or I guess if you have a passport.  

Alright, quick break, I want to get packed so I have that done and over with...


Okay, that was easy. But, I like to pack it, sit down, think about it for a while and try to remember anything I should be taking with me.  I probably should take a copy of my insurance with me to show for getting that truck into my name, however, it's just going to be title, not registration, really shouldn't need it.  We have an appointment for Tuesday I think she said to sit down and deal with it, under a living trust and apparently that makes it difficult for anyone to do anything different than what's in it already.

My friend I was going to visit over there is still going through hellish times mentally and emotionally, I'd love to visit him but it appears he's not in any mood to entertain friends.  I dunno, play it by ear as the old saying goes.  I figure time spent with mom, taking her wherever she needs to go, spend an evening with my son and if I don't see anyone else, the purpose of the trip has been made.  Taking the pickup home is an extra added benefit but it also marks a sad day that her vehicles are now gone - she gave her other vehicle to one of my brothers already - and that she has to depend on Uber to go anywhere.  

The upside is my oldest brother still takes her up to her mountain getaway and taking an Uber isn't the end of the world.  Plan your trips and make them infrequent, she doesn't go out that much anyway.  Still, I can imagine losing the freedom of being able to drive has to hit hard. This was all voluntary on her part, btw, the state didn't revoke her license.  

I feel like eating something, like going to IHOP, but I decided to wait until I get to DFW and have a nice meal at one of the restaurants there. A bit pricey, but the food is good and a good time to eat as soon as I get there and have time to digest food and any bathroom needs taken care of before boarding the A320 for Phoenix.  Yes, I checked the type of aircraft, I do not want to get on a 737 Max under any circumstances.  They stand right up there with the MD-11in my mind and they can keep it.  It took 2 crashes killing everyone on board both flights if I recall correctly before the FAA did anything about it.

And now you see lots of near misses with aircraft taxing on runways - with clearance - and aircraft landing at the same time.  Ridiculous.  I probably watch too much Mentour Pilot, VASAviation and Mayday Aircrash Investigation episodes. Not to get into fear of flying, but the fascination of learning about commercial jetliners - which listening to Mentour Pilot you can learn a lot about how such aircraft fly and the nuances of it - to see what happened and what they ended up doing about it.

There was a particular aircraft that had a cargo door blowout and took out a part of the floor of the main cabin.  I think the first time it happened the people were lucky and the second time? Not so lucky as a couple of rows of seats were sucked out with it.  I have no fear of flying per se, but taking off sort of ruffles my feathers.  I don't much care for it.  

I"m watching more footage of the Helene aftermath.  Many areas now have food and water but no power, running water or communications.  Starlink coming in, people shipping in generators and I've seen gas tankers pumping fuel fight off the tanker.  I have a problem with them charging $10 per gallon, however, that has the appearance of price gouging and taking advantage of desperate people.  They are predicting it will take years to rebuild and I would have to agree. I also wonder about insurance companies and how difficult they are going to make it to get payouts.  

But they're going to have to fix the roads to get into some of those places and there are still reports of remote areas that still don't have anything.  Horses and pack mules are headed into those areas if they aren't there already.  The worst thing that could happen right now is another storm and here we go with Hurricane Milton.  

Well that's enough for now.  I have many more hours to burn before I have to leave here. Off to Kroger's for toilet paper for the shed and deposit cash into the business account.


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 I ended up getting a Lyft to the airport, found it in the same condition as I left it excepting a half flat tire and a paint scratch that d...