Monday, October 7, 2024

 I may be a bit of a chatterbox going on here.

But, I successfully checked in both flights, signed up for text alerts about those flights and paid the baggage fee up front, saving me $5.  AA charges $40 for first checked bag.  If I were getting a deal on the flight, I could see that, but the flight was $350 or around there, I think it was, for a one way ticket. That's hardly a deal.  Then again, I didn't pay anything for it by using Credit Card points but still.  

I then had the thought that my trip to Texas Roadhouse with my son could be made through credit card points and sure enough, BofA has the option of electronic delivery.  Chase didn't but oh well.  So, hopefully that arrives before or on Thursday and that dining experience will cost me nothing more than I've already paid to the CC company. 

I'm not sure about hotels, I'd like to decide where I want to stop for the night meaning which route I'll take home and get that on there. It takes up to 24 hours for them to process it, we found out the hard way.  This will greatly reduce my expenses on this trip.  So far I've only paid for one way baggage.  I have an Uber trip to mom's house which will probably cost around $40 - it's quite the distance - and then whatever activities I may get involved with, but nothing spectacular.  Mostly just hanging out.  One thing I don't have to do this time and that is stay until Friday if I feel like I've visited enough and want to leave.  

I dunno, really depends on mom since I'm staying at her house.  If my staying too long is going to cause her problems I will just leave - no I can't leave on Thursday, I am meeting up with my son Thursday evening. Well, I guess I could leave Thursday night but why bother.  Might as well just get up Friday morning, bid my farewells to mom and head home.  It's probably the only thing that I miss about living there is being close to mom and son. I'd definitely be over to her house once a week to help her with anything and to go stores and such.  She apparently has a list of things she wants me to do as it stands.  

Ok, well, it's 9:00 am I just checked and time to be off to the bank and Krogers. 


Bank deposit made, electric bill for park paid, Kroger's done, battery pack on camera almost charged.  Oops, guess it takes more than 3 hours, it's a huge battery pack. Hopefully it will last the week, I didn't have time or desire to put it back on the charger and go back there yet again before leaving.  New weed eater delivered to the shed, toilet paper put in the dispenser the rest of the pack in the outside shed, fuel tank filled up, gas station coffee bought, clothes in the dryer - I wanted to wash a last-minute set of clothing - and now I'm pretty much set to go.  

Oh, and Allen contacted yet again. The boy only mowed the dog park, he did not mow behind the shed and pick up the blocks James -- former tenant who left without paying 2 months worth of rent, tho the second month was currently due, not well past due at least - left behind.  Nice blocks actually. Not mine, but he left them so now they are.  Told Allen he needs to do that today along with spraying the grass killer I have repeatedly asked to have done.

A little less than 2 hours before I leave here. I'm going to show up well in advance. It's a boring airport, very small, but they tell you to arrive early and I take their advice always to just show up early in case there are issues.  I'll have my laptop and my phones and chargers so at least I'll have something to do while waiting. 

If there is something else, I"m at the shrugs shoulders stage.  I'm checked in early with the scan code to show at the airport along with the baggage.  What else is there? Probably something, there is always something I forget.  Oh, yes.

Snakes. Have devoured most of my Koi and goldfish.  And just ordered the bait and about to order the trap.  If I catch the thing/s, I will probably just relocate it versus killing them. Although I am sure I will be tempted to kill them since they have devoured literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of Koi fish.  I only have small goldfish left and maybe 2 small Koi that I bought not terribly long ago.  I buy them small and just let them grow throughout the years.  The bigger Koi were around 8 inches long.  Just pisses me off and yes, I am going to get rid of them one way or the other.  

Pretty sad, actually, not like those Koi can defend themselves.  There are hiding places but I don't think those work against snakes, they work against birds or raccoons and such.  Watersnakes will simply go underwater to catch their prey.  


Departure time fast approaching. For some reason, I don't really want to go. If it weren't for my mom and son, I definitely wouldn't go.  My family doesn't make any attempt to reach out to me beyond those two, it was the same when I lived there.  Show up for Christmas and sometimes Thanksgiving and that was about the extent of family get togethers that often-times ended in arguments and people storming out.  I don't miss that nonsense at all.  

It's a lot of effort, lost time at work, money, etc to take a trip like this is all I'm saying and frankly, I like my own bed.  It sounds selfish and maybe it is, mom isn't getting any  younger, no idea how much longer she'll be with us so there is a sense of urgency to spend a few days with her.  Other than that, I really would just say screw it, stay home.  The traveling is sort of fun, I would pay for an upgrade but the only seats left available on the aircraft are middle seats.  Still, I'll ask when I get to the boarding gate at DFW if there are going to be any no shows, I'd pay some extra money for extra leg room.  By the time one of these flights is over with, my knees are hurting badly from being cramped in such a position.  I do have a window seat so I can sort of turn sideways which usually helps.  And so far? There is no one taking the middle seat next to me.  That would be grand if it stayed that way....

It already changed. The middle seat next to me is now taken.  There are only 2 seats left on the aircraft at the very back and both middle seats.  I just refuse to sit in middle seats, it's bad enough sitting on the row or next to the windows......

Closing this one out.  Next update will be DFW, tho I'll probably just do a Facebook update for that.

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 I ended up getting a Lyft to the airport, found it in the same condition as I left it excepting a half flat tire and a paint scratch that d...