Thursday, October 17, 2024

Wednesday - evening

Long day.  It's 2 hours and 40 minutes up there and the same back.  Tho that's a  little bit, the problem was they wanted to go through the whole truck.  I got in there and they told me at least 3 hours and that was with 2 of them working on it - but also included taking an hour lunch break.  It was 4 hours before I left there. 

I took the company van to a local restaurant, it was an old, wooden, passenger rail car that had been turned into a cafe, tho I tend to call such things diners.  Whatever it was, the food was quite good.  Amazingly good, in fact.  Spartan crowd, friendly people.  I was only gone maybe an hour and then I still had 3 hours to burn, so I just went into the driver's lounge - no one in there, muted the noisy tv and took a couple of naps, actually.

I had wished I had taken my laptop this morning, I didn't even think about it.  Maybe next time I go up there I'll remember.

Anyway, I am not scheduled to load until Friday morning.  I picked up a different trailer, this one is actually in good condition and they just replaced all of the brake components - slack adjusters, brake shoes, bearing, hardware and even the caps with windows that go over the hubs.  They put windows in there to be able to check that there is oil in the axles.  

Typically, it's a much longer day going up there and today was no different, tho I hoped it would be lol.  

Still no bites on any of my ads.  I hate to run a Google ad for much more money and get nothing out of it, but I'm sort of stuck here with 6 empty lots and I really need to get some of them filled. This is the time of year where you are making more money because the electric bill goes down for lack of hot weather.  I've run free facebook and a couple of pay facebook boosts and tho I'm getting some overnight traffic, no long term has appeared.  

Tomorrow might be a good day to get all of that wood off of my trailer and get it ready to go find a hot tub somewhere, or carry stuff back to the park to build a carport or whatever.  That wood has been sitting on that trailer for months, I'm tired of it stopping me from access to my trailer.   It's not my doings but if I want the use of my trailer back, I apparently am going to have to offload it.    

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 Lovely. My dispatcher just called and informed me that all loads are cancelled until Monday (at the earliest).  Like, even Monday isn't...