Wednesday, November 18, 2020

 So, my manager put out a text to all drivers in our division. There's only like 13 or 14 of us, not as many as it might sound.  It's the "holiday season" and as normal, business is slowing down.  Well, that's partly true.  Some of the plants shut down to do yearly scheduled maintenance.  It isn't that they are stopping production because of a lack of demand for the product they make.  

I know our 2 biggest accounts do that annually.  And the Mapleton does it as well, but I have to wonder if they are doing it this year since they basically just reopened after replacing every single valve in the plant, according to them.  

Whatever the case, he was pleading with people to head over to Massachusetts for a tour of helping out with a plant over there.  I was at that plant when I went to Vermont this year.  It is a huge operation.  It's oxygen and nitrogen being delivered all over the region including parts of NYC and Boston.  The streets in that region are narrow and aren't exactly truck friendly.  They countered for that by getting shorter trailers, but still.  I wouldn't want to do it now for a couple of reasons. First, you aren't even going to be able to go out on your own for at least 2 weeks, possibly 3, while you are in training.  Second, you are living in a hotel and while that's nice for a while, it gets old and third, there isn't a lot of decent restaurants nearby and you have to waste a lot of personal time going to find places to eat at.

Of course, if I ever do anything like what I did in Vermont again, I'm going to ask for a kitchenette and cook my own food and not have to fool around with going to restaurants every single day.  But I have zero intentions of doing any of that this winter.  Now, that may change of course, especially if work slows down so much that my paychecks are so thin that I can't cover bills with it.  Just that you end up in places that are frigid cold, snowy and not a pleasant or ideal working environment during the winter.  

At least that answers why I've been doing so much sitting lately besides the cheniere fiasco.  And not seeing alot of drivers texting that they are loading.  So, even tho I hate elongated trips, I am glad I have something to make a bit of money in this run today going to West Virginia.  I'm just going to cut back on "recreational" expenditures and tighten up the ship and buy only stuff I need, the want list will go out the window excepting to buy presents for Christmas. 7 people I can think of to buy for, 2 of them are a married couple and I only send them one present every  year, the same thing, Omaha steak package.  2 are kids - the boys here - they are young and I can buy cheap toys that they won't understand are - cheap toys.  Now for James and Taylor?

I actually have something in mind that may be a bit pricier, but something that they would both enjoy and would give them some away time.  Hot Springs is one of their favorite places to do mini vacations.  It's about 3 hours away and is not too far from Grandma's house - the boys can go to grandma's while they go enjoy a 2 or 3 day vacation together.  That pretty much just entails getting them a hotel room and help with expenditures. There are, of course, other things I could get them but I can tell ya, this house is full. There isn't much room for anything else.  

I dunno if I"ll do that, yet, I have plenty of time. I'd like to see how work plays out in the next coming days.  I am also potentially going to spend most of my savings on a piece of land if I can get December 1st off, get to the auction and actually have the winning bid on something.  I've narrowed that list down to about 7 properties that I would like to have.  Oh, wait, no it's more than that. There are 3 properties with at least 5 acres but they're outside of town. 15 to 20 miles away range.  That would be something for the RV park dream.  Or, get the property, sell it and use that money to buy something a bit closer and easier to manage.  

I'd really like to score at least one property regardless of whether it's land or a house.  

Noon loading time, ugh.

Okay,off to the races.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 So, I've spent hours both combing over properties for sale in the tax lien list last night and this morning and then going out and viewing a lot of them. The properties that are vacant lots I didn't bother with, I don't need a vacant lot and lots are plentiful in this city, there is no huge demand for them. If I were a construction contractor building homes, then yes.  

I was all over this city. I saw home that had been deteriorating for years, roofs caved in and falling apart, homes that were condemned by the city - big orange signs on the sides of the houses and several either workable or even decent homes. 

One of which stood out.  About a half mile away from where I live, the entire outside of the house looked in great shape.  It's on a narrow side street. Not a lot of traffic, nice quiet living.  The inside? Well you take a chance and yes you'll probably have to fix stuff, but that's a granted with buying homes at a fraction of the cost they are normally worth.  But as long as the roof is in good shape, I'm taking  a further look at them.  Homes are old in this area.  Letting them go and not maintaining them means probably faster than normal deterioration, age coupled with rain/weather all the time.

You have a bad roof and don't fix that right away? I'm not fooling with it.  I saw a 2 story house, the startin bid around a ground.  but it didn't look good.  Just trashy appearance and falling apart facades, the roof questionable I opted against that one.

Remember, I originally started this search as a search for property for an RV park.  It expanded after I saw all the houses on the lots from satellite view and the starting bids extremely low.  But due diligence required, you buy a condemned house, you are going to have to pay to have it torn down and then what? You have an empty lot, basically worthless. About the only thing I could see is a community garden type of thing.  I saw one of those in a little neighborhood, it was pretty cool.  They had nice seating in the midle of it and flowers and plants all over. No structures on the property. 

But I don't have time for that and that isn't my objective atm.  A 3 plot stretch of land available on a semi major street - with a small business still operating on it. I had to look at the maps again to ensure I was looking at the right plots of land.  Someone had placed one of those tiny houses on it and started a business.  How they are doing that on property that is up for tax lien sale is unknown, perhaps they paid the back due taxes and it's actually nixed off the list.

And then, I drove south of town and out into the country.  There I found the 5 acre lot that I was hoping would have nothing but trees on it - and I was not let down.  Heavily wooded, but small trees, nothing a rented bulldozer couldn't easily take down, that's how I see them clearing land in these parts.  It's a perfect setting for an RV park.  Off the beaten trail but roads good enough for trailers and RV's to get in and out of. I dunno about water and sewer tho.  There are houses in the vicinity, I didn't see any wells but that doesn't mean they don't have them.  Electricity is there at least.  

The 22 acre lot - I'll have to go to the county courthouse to find out where that's at, it isn't listed on any of the online documents.  Everyone will be interested in that, of course, no real hope of getting a property that big, but the bidding is starting low in the 2 grand range.  If the rich people show up like that did the last one I went to, I dunno what I might end up getting if anything besides buying vacant lots that have no real value.  Perhaps, if the city allows mobile homes on them, I could do something with them, but cities generally have specific zoning for mobile homes and usually limited to mobile home parks.  

The plot of land that is at least promising is outside of the city limits.  There are other plots further east I just didn't feel like exploring, I was out there for quite a while, time to come home.  

Oh, the 5  year old last night. He obviously knew he was in trouble and was going between crying and bawling fits without anyone saying anything at all to him.  He lied to his dad about punching the other one in the face.  That was not the best move to make, considering there was an eyewitness that saw him do it.  He eventually admitted to doing it after dad kept saying if he didn't tell the truth, punishment would be 10 times worse than what it will be if he just comes clean.  

His punishment was no TV, sit in his room for 3 days and yes, that set him off into celestial bouts of crying and insane, hyper sobbing.  Mom and dad went outside, I was sitting there eating, he looked at me and said "you're not my friend any more, we aren't friends".  I just looked at him, got up out of my seat and moved to the kitchen to finish eating. He can still see and talk to me, was just making the point.  He went back into a hysteria after realizing that probably wasn't the best thing to say, either, started choking on his food and then he started throwing up.  All over the table.  Huge lines of snot coming out of his nose, it was pretty gross.  I cleaned him up with paper towels, but he was to sit there until he finished eating per parent's decree and I wasn't going to change that.  

So that's been my day.  Now I have to try and secure the 1st of December off. I don't want to have spent this time doing all this work and not even go to the auction to have the opportunity to at least try and get a winning bid.  Preferably either on the house nearby or the land south of town. Or both lol, that would be an amazing haul.  Actually I'd prefer that small house if I had to make a choice, it would be a fast turn around to start getting income from it - after the 180 day wait of course.  That's one of the drawbacks - you can't do anything with the property for 180 days, the owners can come along, pay everything up and redeem the property, get it back and -  you are paid 20% of what you paid plus what you paid.  It's not likely that a property where they couldn't find an heir is going to have anyone showing up to pay the taxes on it.  

Well enough of this one.  

Monday, November 16, 2020

 So, in an attempt to at least get myself on some kind of movement towards goal here, I printed out and filled out the form the realtor wanted me to sign, was approved to go look at the property and drove on out there.  About 6 miles out of town off a 2 lane highway that I know quite well, I parked next to the highway and walked up the very long driveway to view everything.  

On the way up, I heard the sound of water and noted a small creek running through it, the listing claims it runs year round.  There is also a water company that has piping out at the road, another huge plus, don't have to find water and dig a well.

At the top of the drive, around the corner, the pad came into view. Yes it's large, but the area surrounding it is larger.  I walked around, heard some machinery from the operation next door.  It's the same company with the pad on the property, but that pad has buildings and running fans and such.  The noise not loud and couldn't hear it on the far side of the pad - where there is more property and a place to clear out a dwelling space.  After probably 30 minutes of looking around, I looked at my email on my phone.

The realtor was giving specific instructions how to get out there, of which I didn't need, and then proceeded to say he had an offer at list price and probably would be under contract by this evening.  

It figures.  This has been my luck in finding land out here.  I suspect someone had been hemming and hawing about buying it and then the realtor probably got a hold of them and said, look, I have a real prospective buyer en queue, if you want this land, you're going to need to act now.  That's my guess, cause the listing isn't new.  

Okay, acting a bit more proactively, I just called the county tax assessor's office. The next tax lien sale is december 1st.  They didn't have  it up online, even tho they told me it was.  So I can come down there and get the list? Yes sir.  And miraculously, the new sale list is up online! lmao.  Ohhh and SEVERAL properties WELL within my budget for starting bids. I mean, I could bid on some of those for a while before having to fall out if it came to that.  If I can get that day off, I am going to go.

In other news, the boys went over to Maria's at her behest last night when I told Taylor I'd be home today and can watch them.  She wanted them over there for whatever reasons so she got them. And now? I just received a picture of the 3 year old's face covered in blood.  The 5 year old punched him in the face.  This isn't the first time those boys have gone over there and gotten into trouble.  I'm not sure what it is about Maria's place and them acting out, but it's turning into a pattern now.  The 5 year old is well out of character in punching his brother like that.  I've seen them get into mild shoving contests but never a fisticuffs brawl.  

The 5 year old is also going to be in serious trouble when both dad and mom get off of work. I suspect a good spanking, an extended time out, sitting on the couch will be his deal for a while.  The 5 year old's excuse? "Jaxon wouldn't catch the ball".  Jaxon is 3 years old. His attention span is that of a gnats.  He isn't as coordinated and gets frustrated easily.  Even if he didn't want to play catch, that is no reason for the other boy to punch him smack dab in the face.  

Back to lien properties.  Cause' I found the site that actually processes the tract numbers, comes up with info on taxes going back decades and also shows a map.  I couldn't find this site last time i was looking and I couldn't even see what I would have been bidding on and therefore didn't know where the property was or what kind of property it is.  Because what I don't want is one of the thousands of properties with gas wells on them in this region. They are literally everywhere, they have easements and you can't do anything with that portion of the property on your property. The people that sold these easements made their money off of it, now I guess they don't care what happens.

Anyway, the largest tract of land has no address and no location attached to it, no map available to view of it.  So how do you find out where it is?  I'll have to go down to the courthouse and ask them about that one.  Anyway, of the tracts with at least 5 acres on it, all of them sans 1 are completely wooded properties. They are all in the 1 to 3 thousand dollar range for starting bid.  They all appear to have access by either regular roads or forest roads.  Forest roads are easements and yes, you can drive on them.  Sometimes, these properties are in the middle of other properties, completely surrounded.  If there is no road or easement, you can't get to it without one of the property owner's permission.  And in these parts? Good luck with that, this is Texas and people don't want strangers on their land for any reason.  

Oh this is exciting! I can look at the satellite view of the properties, see what town they are located in, how much of it is wooded and cleared and if I'm interested or not.  I can tell ya right now, any properties completely wooded I am completely interested in. Any properties that have been completely cleared of trees I have zero interest in, except perhaps to buy and attempt to resell.  Ohhh there's so many of them that would make an excellent site for an RV park.  I don't even know how you would go about finding out the county requirements for zoning or such for such a land, or if they even care. From what I've seen, they don't care, but those parks are probably old as the hills and around long before any of the newer type of regulatory reaching that the government engages in.  

Even if not for RV park, resell potential.  The county evaluation of the properties is well beyond what the starting bids are and those evaluations are usually well short of market value. 

Oh well.  Just something to delve into now that I have found out how to get the relevant information at my fingertips without having to stand in a tax assessor's office for hours, looking up propertiesin their books.  

And there are small tracts in the city here.  They call this place a city, I call it a town, but whatever.  But again, I don't know what the zoning is on any of it and without that knowledge I don't know what you could put on those little tracts. Their just normal, house sized city lots. A mobile home put on one of them, fix it up nice and rent it out.  Or even sell it owner finance.  The possibilities....... 

 What kind of magic tricks does the Trump attorney team have up it's sleeve? They are claiming that the software used in Dominion ballot counting machines was made by a person that is on the Biden election team and that it was used to discard "millions of ballots".  That lady is appearing on some news circuits, but I doubt you will see her being interviewed on any mainstream media. Perhaps Tucker Carlson would take it up, but he's not "real" journalism.  I dunno, but their time is quickly running out, they best be getting with it if they think they really have a solid case with irrefutable facts to prove it.  Once the election is confirmed, they can squabble all they want, Biden will be the President and there isn't anything they will be able to do about it.  I have kept an open mind about software issues because of the state where the officials admitted that over 6,000 votes that were supposed to go to Trump ended up going to Biden, but that they had given them back to Trump and they tried to claim - rather weak and feeble argument - that "elections officials should catch it" by using data that shows how the precinct normally votes.  

Really? That is how you think such issues should be caught?  How about experts looking at the software and seeing if there are any issues in the software itself? Or intentional malware or software that is designed to dump votes to a given party?  That would be my FIRST thought if I were an election official.  And with the allegations coming out, I wouldn't call the company that designed the software, I would be calling independent experts to come in and take it apart and scrutinize every last line of code, if even possible before the election results are officially announced.  

So, as far as I am seeing it, we still have a major issue with this election.  It may or may not end up in Trump's favor, but it's certainly worth investigating and now, post haste.

Having said that, I'm prepared for whatever outcome, regardless of what anti-trump people say about trump supporters. Most of us are not whack jobs, illiterate, stupid, morons and lame-brains as these people continually say we are.  We won't riot in the streets and there will be no max exodus to some other country as the claims by a large number of "famous" people made before the 2016 election. To my knowledge, only one of them actually left.  I'm watching the Georgia run-offs, that's what I can say.  

I go by lots of RV parks, changing the subject, all the time.  Most of them are in county areas, outside of any towns or cities and obviously not highly regulated.  90% of them are run down affairs that have nothing but dirt driveways, overgrown weeds and grass, pretty gaudy looking places, yet they all are at least half full.  I'm guessing people living there, paying low monthly rates, but not all of them.  You see newer looking RV's parked in some of these places.

Just thinking. I don't want a run down affair, but it also appears it doesn't have to be anything near the extravagance I was initially thinking of.  A destination place would have to have a lot of amenities most of these parks don't have.  But starting out, it doesn't have to be a destination place.  It does have to have some extra land available to allow for activities such as 4 wheeling, picnics away from the RV's, playground, water features, perhaps fishing, stuff that has more than just a place to park.  

Regardless, from the looks of these RV parks, the outlay of money is the land more than anything.  It would be greatly helpful if there is a water supply and sewer nearby to hook into - versus a well and a huge septic system that would cost a lot of money.  There is a large property available just outside of town that is reasonably priced and already has a pad that could be converted into an RV park.  $114,000 for the property.  

The property would afford for the RV park and plenty of acreage outside of it for a house and living.  It's definitely in county territory, well enough outside of town and it appears to have access to utilities.  I'm looking into that one.  Yes, I know I said I wanted to do a tax lien auction, but I'm not opposed to buying the land on contract/payments if the price isn't too high.  I believe this was around 50 acres.  

If you can't tell, I'm itching to get out from under large corporations and the chains attached to working for them. It's just time to amp this up and see what can be done now, versus 3 or 4 years from now, having to save up so much money to afford this project.  I never thought this would be easy, just click a few buttons and walaah, I've got my new business.  But it's been a far more daunting and elusive goal than I ever thought it would be.  Land is the biggest obstacle at the moment, if'when I get land, there will be other obstacles, but one step at a time.  

Okay, I received a return email from the realtor of that property. It's outside of the city - I had to ascertain that before anything else, I don't want to deal with city codes, regulations, ordinances and stipulations, that just ends up costing a lot more money, a lot more legal help, not worth it.  Now I've asked him about the grey pad.  But I found some pics, definitely appears to have been a gas well operation, this area has thousands of them around.  But the equipment has been cleared off the land, it would make a perfect lot for an RV park.  The surrounding land is full of trees and there is a running stream going through the property.  Access is right off a highway that takes you from my town to the bigger town 2 towns over.  It's 40 acres, not 50 but the price is really reasonable.  

So now, my question was about that pad.  Are there any lingering EPA issues or government issues that need to be addressed? 

And just like that, hopes dashed.  There is an active well on the next property over, but the pad on the property in question  is still being used by the gas company, apparently, and they have that as an easement.  That property might be worth half as much as they are asking with an easement that large on it.  I could still do an RV park with that property, but not at that price.  There is plenty of land around the pad, but the pad is huge.  You've got all of that land that you can't do anything with.  

I'll keep looking.  Still waiting on them to put out an end of year post for tax lien sale.  Looking daily on the county tax assessor's site for that.  They don't apparently, normally, give you much time to do any research on the properties they are trying to get sold.  

Hmm, well I'm going to go take a look at that land anyway, since I was given permission and it's not too far away.  I was not given the run for today as I was promised so I have free time to spare, tho I need to continue hauling dirt off the side of the house. Maybe do 7 loads of that today and get that pile reduced a bit.  The land, however, I would maybe offer less than 2 grand an acre versus the over 2-1/2 grand an acre they are asking.  There's just too much easement in it.  

Anyways, offa here.  

Sunday, November 15, 2020

 Well my manager never sent the Brownsville - or any other - run.  So I'll bide my time and hope I get one sent for Tuesday. It's Sunday night.  

The final day of quarantine for the boys is tomorrow and then they can go back to daycare/kindergarten.  Trust me, it's time for them to go.  Get around other kids, get some socialization going on their own level at their own thinking grade.  

I dunno, but I was going to watch them tomorrow - for whatever reason Maria insisted they go over to her place.  Fine by me, I'll have the day to go get some new blue jeans and other shopping I've been needing to do.  Just that Phoenix will not get his school work done being over there.  

I finally hit 100k in my investments. Yes I know, that's not even close to being enough to retire on, but in my lifetime that's a significant milestone.  In fact, the only way I"m going to be able retire comfortably is either through real estate or learning enough about investing in the stock market that I can see types of business that have a future and invest in them before they become a thing.  Or both, coupled with 401k and whatever's left of SS by the time I get to that age, providing I even make it to that age.  Had to add that last part. I see so much death and destruction on the nation's highways, life ending in a glimpse of a moment, people's lives ended or invariably changed.  I'm going to do a trust and tomorrow would be a good day to look into doing that.  I've given a lot of thought to it.  Some of it to my son, some of it to my friends I live with, other options for the rest.   

I was only in the 50k range when I first started working at current company. A trump presidency with roaring stock market and making significantly more money have almost doubled that amount in 3 years. It's time to start looking at the future with a Biden presidency.  I was going to hit the stop button on stocks but I need to see what advisors are saying about 401k and what the best options are.  

My son's - soon to be ex - wife has changed her name back to her maiden name on Facebook. Just weird to see that. The rather pricy refrigerator I bought for THEM, not her, she will have to pay me back for it.  I have come to that conclusion.  Nothing against her personally, but I bought that for them, as a couple, looking forward to a future with children and a home. I have never even bought a refrigerator like that for myself.  it's that or I can have it moved to my house which isn't far from where "their" house is.  I don't want to judge, been there done that, but I literally just bought that thing for them and it's already ending?  No thanks.  

I'm going to have to make a trip back there soon.  I try to make it once a year, but we've got this Covid crap and I don't know what I can even do over there right now.  And now at least one state is announcing draconian lockdowns. State of Washington is going back to the same conditions the nation did that lead to the economic crises earlier this year.  I suspect other states will follow suit. New York, California, who knows where else. 

Whatever the case, enough for one entry. 

 2cd load done.  3rd load - was never sent. Still daylight in the day, could still happen. It was supposed to be a Brownsville run for tomorrow.  I'm not going to say anything if he doesn't give me it or another run.  But it's only 2:00 pm so I'm still thinking I might get that run or another.  Regardless, I'd like to know so I can prepare.  Or, not prepare, stay home and watch the boys tomorrow and save them some money on child care.  

Maria isn't charging a huge amount per day, but at the same time, she doesn't get much opportunities to earn some extra money and have a bit of spending money on her hands.  She wanted $200 for the week - with me having had watched the boys 1 of the days, so 4 days.  Rene - on the other hand - would charge $20 or less per day, thought it a joy to watch the kids and didn't have issues with it. Rene had a few redeeming qualities out of all of the nonsense.  But when it came to my dogs, she thought it was worth a giant fortune. 

Whenever she would bring up paying extravagant amounts per week to her for watching the dogs, I would simply respond that I would leave them at home from now on, James will watch them.  And, as evidenced by the last several months, he will and does.  She literally thought I should pay $150 to $200 per week for watching dogs. So, she was willing to watch the kids at half the price or less, but dogs? Charge WAYYY more! lmao

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have dogs if I had to pay that much every week to have them tended to.  Yes, I know kennels are expensive, I don't use kennels lol.

So anyway, the 2 - Maria and Taylor - were trying to agree ot how much she should get paid (I interjected a couple of times that y'all should have figued this out beforehand so there's no hard feelings) when James came home from work.  After all the bantering about pay, James was discussing the text messages he had gotten from Taylor and subsequently me about eating out tonight.  Of course, Maria took issue with that.  She takes issue with everything.  She privately told Taylor as she was leaving that if you can afford to go out to eat, you can afford to pay my full price.  

She really mouths off a lot and that's why I don't hang around her much anymore.  She was clearly the reason in most cases that people wouldn't stick around at the other house.  She has no tact, no ziplock for her mouth, just blurts everything out and still doesn't understand after the fact that her behavior is anti-social and turns people off.  

Taylor had to remind her that I pay a lot of our outings - I invite and if they go I pay the bill.  She has no sense of the notion that there may be more to a story than just a few sentences that she heard and therefore base an entire narrative off of the few sentences without digging further and finding out the real story, if there is, indeed, a real story behind it. 

I am going to cut well back on outings like that.  They are somewhat costly depending on where we go and I really want to save even more money than I am now.  Well, if that's even possible depending on what kind of runs I will be getting after this fiasco at Cheniere.  Oh, looking at year-to-date? I have paid over $14,000 in federal taxes this year.  Isn't that sweet? Just hand them over enough to buy a used truck.  

My Roth account started up this paycheck. I am only having 1% dumped into it, lol. That's just sort of a "gee, I"ll give it a try" thing.  My shares in GE went well up and am at a profit right now. But I decided I'll just leave them be and see what happens in the future.  I"m trying to learn about investing and a lot of what people seem to do is attempt to pick stocks from a company that will have something coming out in the near future that will cause their price per share to rise substantially.  Such as stocks in pharmaceutical companies that are attempting to make a virus vaccine.  

But where people get the tips to invest in some of this stuff? I have no clue.  More research needed.  I've got plenty of money to invest, I've got no money that I want to lose.  

So, home at 1:30 pm today.  Typical Sunday here. Taylor folding clothes, James doing projects and I disappeared into my bedroom.  And forgot the dogs lol.  

I sort of turned politics back on, for I am keenly interested in the Georgia runoff races that will determine who control the Senate.  I think republicans only need 1 more to have a majority, if they get 2 then it gives a little breathing room for a defector. The race is so "important" that people are allegedly moving there to be able to vote? That sounds ridiculous but it's been posted in numerous media outlets. Just how many people would have to move there to actually affect the outcome of the races? Probably too many and these people won't be making a difference.  

Trump apparently said Biden won but that he hasn't conceded anything yet.  The media is still blasting away at Trump. Excuse me, if he's already lost as all y'all says he did, why are you bothering with him?  Why? Because it increases their ratings.  

Friday, November 13, 2020

 Well, it felt kind of strange showing up for work yesterday.  Often times, when I go to work, there is no one there, either early for load or late coming in to the yard.  Or if there are people there, they're in their trucks.  Just because of the circumstances going on right now and knowing that probably everyone there knows at least some version of what is going on.  

Although I can say other drivers don't have the full story, they can't possibly have it because management isn't the people who divulged the information to them. I don't know how they found out, but I'm not willing to discuss it with any of them, that' pretty much a personal thing and as my manager said yesterday, it's as if it never happened. 

Yes I had to sign a written warning, no I didn't contest it or write anything on it even tho I was offered to do so.  I just looked at him and said, well what good is it going to do? He laughed and replied nothing. I had the thought that contesting it might even make me look worse than the situation already is, as if I were arguing the outcome, so I declined to do that.  Apparently after a few years it will fall off of there the same as a bad credit entry on  your credit report will eventually go away.  Even a bankruptcy eventually goes off your credit report.  So that's encouraging, I guess.  

My focus is saving for land/business.  If I'm going to try to get a loan, I'd have to save up around 60k to get the money I'd need to set up the entire thing in one, fell swoop.  I'm only a third of the way there.  The only way I know of to speed this up is to acquire property through the tax lien sale. I've been looking, they haven't yet published their end of year sale yet, where the properties are listed at 1/10 of of their original starting bid for properties that didn't sell.  

Anyway, it was a late start yesterday at noon.  So I drove til almost midnight to get back to the place I normally stop at and get most of the driving done.  That leaves about 115 miles left to go today and get home mid afternoon.  My manager said he has my next 6 days planned out, that I will apparently going right back up to Oklahoma tomorrow and then a Brownsville after that.  That would make a decent check. Not great, but not bad.  I am not going to fuss about the runs he gives me, it wouldn't serve any useful purpose.  I have started to look for new jobs tho.  It's time to find something local and get home every day/night.  This whole situation really gave me pause to consider this job I've been doing - great pay but out on the road far more than I want to be.  Overnights are okay but you get those 3plus day runs and it just gets old. 

My manager thinks those runs are the best ones, I didn't bother to tell him how I feel about it. And, he believes he can eventually get me back into most of the mother company's properties, I didn't say anything about that, either.  I don't care if I don't go to any of them, save the rednecks over in Alabama. They're fun to hang out with, lol, while we unload the truck. But I rarely get over there anyway.  

And right now? This is where ELD's are ridiculous.  I've been here since 11:45 last night. I'm ready to go. I've been ready to go for an hour and a half.  I'm not sleepy, tired or fatigued.  But, with these electronic devices, you have no choice but to sit here for 10 hours. I went to bed right after I got here, only doing paperwork first.  I could have gotten up at 6 am and had this run over with by now.  


Well that was this morning, forgot to post it before I left there.  I have exact same run going out same load time tomorrow and then allegedly a run going to Brownsville after that.  We'll see. Part 2 of his plan at least en queue, but that Browsnville run will be needed to make a half decent pay check.  

Walking into the house today, the boys were obviously in bed for their nap, Maria was dead asleep on the couch and did not wake up when I walked through the front door. She continued to sleep after I walked by and into my bedroom.  THAT is a heavy sleeper and also someone that should probably have the front door locked when they're sleeping.  Who knows what could happen in that scenario? 

I fear for the boys safety, more than anything.  

Taylor made plans for all of us, lol: Meet her in Longview at the steakhouse for dinner. She now works 30 plus miles away and of course she loves Texas Roadhouse - I do too and I will be down for it if James is.  James being the operative name here, he's at work and doesn't have time for much of anything when he's at work.  He hasn't responded yet to her query of which she included all 3 of us in a group text message.  I dunno, but I've only eaten once today and now that this is a prospective, I'll eat nothing until dinner. Lol

Well enough of this one.  

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 Ahh, indeed.

I figured I would be off until Friday, from the statement of my manager yesterday.  That wasn't the case. I received a texted worksheet for work tomorrow: Oklahoma, lol.  That is the least possible run I can get right now in terms of miles and pay.  I may get lots of those in the next coming days.  

That set the "am I still employed at this company" nagging thoughts out of my mind.  I needed a resolution to this situation regardless of what the outcome would be.  

The whole thing has been seriously downplayed now that truth has come out but, of course, my company's HR department still wants a written warning on my company record.  So beit, I won't contest it,  that's a dead end street. Large company HR departments aren't anything to argue with, once they have made up their minds, they are going to win regardless, you might as well just accept it and move on.  

I'll give my new manager credit: He fought for me.  I find it rare to find that in companies anymore, and that was a breath of fresh air.  He fought for me because, of his own wording, I drive like hell, get the job done, don't have to be communicated with constantly about where I'm at and why isn't the product there. My thinking: You don't get paid the big bucks for screwing around and doing everything but getting the load to the receiver on time - and usually ahead of time.  His words of commendation for my work ethic - his words - went on and on.  

I work my ass off because that's how I was brought up.  It was instilled into me at a very early age and it never left me.  Probably a lot of people in my age range have the same work ethic.  

My manager did concede that he hadn't even tried to contest any of this with the mother company.  My thoughts went there after I had talked to him and the middle manager yesterday. I was rather consoled by this manager's statement of my work performance, to be honest. He even said "I would be a fool to want to get rid of a person like you".  

What was downplayed?  I was hired on with the company that was bought out and all of us on that system are on a different set of rules.  4 strikes and you're out.  Not, first time something happens, you're fired. I have nothing on my history with this company preceding this. NOTHING.  No roadside inspection tickets, no safety warnings, certainly nothing with the customers.  

So this situation is over.  Well, he did say after a while he's going to contact some dude at the mother company after he's "calmed down" and see if he can get me back into the rest of their company's facilities.  I didn't bother to tell him that I wouldn't miss any of those places lmao. I get along with those people at all of those places, in fact one of them we all think alike and the conversation goes on the entire time we're together unloading the truck.  Another place we talk smoking meats.  Another, we talk about whatever - just random stuff.  I'm not against going back into that facility - Cheniere. Nothing against those people, security personnel are only the entrance stuff, after that you are interacting with plant personnel.  

My manager also offered that fact that you are out there 70 hour work schedules back to back  and yes, you are eventually going to have a problem somewhere. Definitely put in the hours.  

And then the - stuff.  Somehow, a driver found out about this and started going off to everyone else.  I haven't heard about that from any of them, but I have only talked to one of them since this situation has started and I told him zero, nothing, nada about what's going on. That driver called me - so I'm guessing he's the culprit - and started telling me about a rule that has been changed with "personal conveyance" - an option available on the Quaalcomm and nothing I'm going into right now.  

My manager said, we haven't said anything to any of them about this, so please don't blame this on me.  I knew before he said that management wouldn't divulge that to other drivers, that would be a serious violation of company protocol.  That's personal employee stuff, really don't get at all from this manager that he would go spouting off to drivers. He's just no like that and has proven to me that he is an advocate for drivers.  

He said he told a driver that came "bitching to me" about it that he was to zip his mouth about it, end of story.  No idea how he got that info, but probably at the plant where this occurred from employees. Other than that, perhaps some person in the company working in a different department that heard the info.  No telling, but if a driver comes up to me starting s*** about this situation? I told my manager flat out I can handle myself with other drivers. Not looking for trouble, but if they come starting it with me, I can deal with it. 

So, that is where this currently stands. But with other drivers knowing about this, it may evolve - or degrade - into something else.  

Okay, my head is cleared of this nonsense, at least for now. If other drivers start s***, well, there will be posts here about it.

Today? I spent the entire day - literally - getting Phoenix caught up with school work.  Amazingly, the 5 year old only had one off moment. He couldn't understand what I was trying to ask him to do and he started getting frustrated.  He was on the verge of a meltdown and I just stopped everything. Time to take a break. We got back to work after that and he had a good attitude and engaged for the rest of the day. Which included a 2 hour break in the midst of it for lunch, a nap and a bit of tv for him. 

Early afternoon, we got back to work and it was after 4 before we were done.  That was freedom time.  These boys - the other one was pent up in the living room, I couldn't have him disrupting the older boy's school work - hadn't had an energy outlet all day long.  We went outside, they rode their bikes, ran up and down the driveway, etc until parents came home.  

And today is Veteran's day. James is a veteran! So, we went to Chili's for a free dinner for him and then his best friend also showed up - and also a vet - and we had a very good time, really. Nice end to the day, we came home, his friend also, we all talked for a while and now the day is done.  

I'm very tired. I can't tell you the mental energy needed to deal with a 5 year in a school setting all day long, attempting to make up over 2 day's worth of school work. I am not a teacher, but I did my best to teach the boy without him getting aggravated and upset. I'm not surprised I feel this drained, I don't have the gift of teaching and could not be a teacher, but we did get through all of it today.  I was proud of him, mostly for keeping a good attitude.  

Well I'm out of it and going to sleep.



Tuesday, November 10, 2020

 Why is Russia the second largest grouping of people reading this blog? 


I know I don't get much comments but it gets lots of views and there is a graph showing who is reading from where. US number 1, of course, Russia number 2, Australia 3 and so on down the line.  

Sorry, Russkies, y'all are welcome to read but you aren't manipulating anyone here.  

 Well now I understand why this process with my fate at work is being drawn out. The security guards flat out lied through their teeth about what occurred the other day.  They tried to claim I refused to give them ID, which is just plain false, and whether I should have taken the video of them ignoring it or not, it's proof that my ID was dangling out the window of the truck for at least 5 if not 10 minutes and asking them to look at it.  

They also claimed I said my name was Mike something or other.  No, not only did I tell them my name, I also spelled out my last name for them. Then they claimed I refused to stop videoing after being asked.  No, I turned the camera off immediately after they asked.  

It just went on and on into a litany of lies that went up the chain of command all the way to the parent company corporate, of which I won't name here, who said I wasn't allowed on ANY of their properties from here on out, as long as I'm employed by my company.  That stops me from going to 5 faciliites, 4 of which I don't like going to anyway, the 5th is an up in the air thing, I"ll take it if given but it certainly isn't on my top 10 of places I like to go to.

So, I really didn't expect that, the lying that is.  An it's my word against theirs besides that video showing me holding out my ID card.  But with the story they fabricated, I can see what the mother company would want to ban me. It became obvious, quickly, that the only real thing I could do is simply humble myself, apologize and eat it.  So I did. To keep the job and not get fired, yup I just apologized for things I didn't do, tho I did deny all of it.  What could you have done differently? Just hand them the ID without asking them about it.  Security guards can get pissy about their authority being questioned, even if you aren't actually challenging their authority.

I have had enough interactions with them over the decades of truck driving I've done, far and beyond just the current job.  

The mid level manager wasn't opposed to my staying in the company after seeing my demeanor.  I wasn't about to argue with them, it became crystal clear what my only line of action could be to salvage my job.  But, even with all of that, the manager said they would ask for a verbal warning - the least amount of infraction I could get and not go on my record, but that HR could come back and say they want - more. Such as a written warning or worse.  Worse would be to be let go.  So I've got another couple of days sitting around, according to him, to find out my fate.  

Here I figured they would have already decided that.  My manager had made his decision - he lauded my performance and my work ethic and said he would be stupid to want to let me go.  So I got that much of a concession at least.  I would, if kept on, be getting mostly gravy runs, such as the people I have continually complained about coming from other divisions lol.  The worst run I can think of I would get is Oklahoma, which is at the top of the "worst runs" list.  in other words, it's as too as it gets when thinking about bad runs. I wouldn't have to go to Ohio - where you are held up a day and don't get paid for it. The other drivers tried to claim we are going to get paid for the layover, but that didn't turn out to be true.  

The other thing he stated is that I wouldn't be able to go out back to back runs like he sends me out now.  Good, I thought I don't like that anyway, but certainly said nothing about that.  I mean, I've gone extremely long periods of time before he came along with getting a day or 2 days off in between runs anyway and still making bank for yearly earnings.  

So, if I get to keep my job - that's still up in the air, actually - this will actually work out better for me even tho I will have a stain on my record with them.  And if I decide to move on at some point, they won't be able to show that information to any potential employer for reasons I won't go into here.  

So I have at least another day off, maybe two before I even find out my fate, but at least my manager IS pulling for me.  It was really left into his hands to make the decision of what kind of discipline to give me - but - then he has to submit it to HR and HR has to agree with it. 

BTW, losing a job isn't the end of my life. But getting fired from a job? That can affect your potential for future employment -  greatly - with any decent company.  That, is why I ate this stuff, swallowed it whole and will live with it.  And even with that, no guarantees that I will still have a job there?  Well I tried at least.  I was honest, that is also something that counts with me.  Those guards obviously don't care what they have to say in order to keep their jobs.  They are probably making a lot of money at that facility. It's out in the middle of nowhere.  The nearest town going to Louisiana is about 45 miles I think. Going the opposite direction it's Port Arthur, but apparently none of them live there - people at the plant anyway that I've talked to - they don't like it there and live much further out.  We're talking 2 hour drive times for many of these people.  

Anyway, enough of that.  I will be home tomorrow, babysitting the boys but probably spending about 4 hours with Phoenix doing school work.  He just finished monday's work tonight and of course it's Tuesday, so tomorrow I will work with him on both today's and tomorrow's work. I expect about 4 hours of work.  So, we'll do Tuesday's work - in it's entirety - and then play time outside.  Do half of Wednesday's work and then naptime - which is when I can also start making dinner.  They sleep, I cook.  They're good for 1-1/2 hours of early afternoon sleep.  

That's my plan for tomorrow. I am undecided about setting up the pond now that I have it all cleared out. The leaves are falling. The trees are dumping lots of leaves. I bought some netting to go over it, but just undecided about having to deal with all of that.  Or, I could just do a setup like I have at my house in Phoenix, put 4 posts in and drape it with sunscreen material which will let light in but keep most of the leaves out.  Tomorrow won't be a good day for that regardless since I will be babysitting, doing school work, cooking and wondering about my job.  

Anyway, it's been a rather long day.  Oh, today is my 3 year anniversary at this employer. I found that out because I asked how many vacation hours I have left.  The middle level manager called payroll and they informed him that they had just dumped - however many hours -back into the system.  I really wasn't listening too well at that point, the meeting was over and I was attempting to digest everything I had just heard.  I knew my start date was around this time of the year, I wasn't sure what the exact day was.  

It's not time for bed, but I'm getting off the internet for the night.  

 Come what may this morning, I am prepared for it. Tho after what my manager said yesterday, it doesn't appear that my job is in immediate jeopardy. 

And if that's true, I"ll keep working there - for a while.  This "at will" stuff is haunting, to say the least.  I have never been fired from a job in my adult life and don't want to start with this company.  So, I think in the near future providing this goes as I believe it will today, I will start looking for something different. 

The oil injection job is an energy based industry and I don't think that's such a good idea to be looking at now, with the "presumptive" winner of the election being Joe Biden and obviously anti-fossil fuel, anti fracking, anti anything that doesn't promote the far left agenda.  This area I live in was hit hard several years ago when fracking/oil took a nosedive and a lot of people lost their jobs.  So I decided that particular job, as appealing as it looks in pay and home time, isn't a good fit for right now. 

But, if I could find something that has me at least in the 75k territory, I would definitely consider it.  The focus will be local job tho and I'm in no hurry to get into the wrong position.  There are plenty of local jobs around here, but the pay range is in the 50k area.  That's not really all that bad, but I've become accustomed to a much higher pay scale, being able to save money and live my life the way I want to plus paying down debt all at the same time.  50k doesn't afford that.  

Whatever the case, the anti-Trump rhetoric being broadcast all over the place, including Fox News, has became a nuisance. We know they all hate Trump, nothing has stopped even tho Biden is promoting a tone of "unity" and "healing the nation" while not condemning any of the multitude of statements left politicians and media types are puking out on a daily basis. Fox News is no longer owned by whoever it was that had it and allegedly now a Disney company and also allegedly managed by some liberal loving democrat.  That explains that shift.  They haven't touched Carlson or Hannity - yet. I would love to see them can either or both of them, tho, that would seal their fate and their millions of viewers would dwindle to CNN nothing-levels.  

And I would surmise Hannity and Carlson are popular enough that they would find a home somewhere else.  Actually, if some rich entrepreneur wanted to start up a conservative leaning outlet and could lure those two over, Fox News would be doomed and the new start up would thrive instantly.  I still watch some of Fox News, but apparently they believe  they can pose blond haired women handing out liberal-laden garbage and think that most viewers will just fall for it.  Yea, no.  Journalism, reporting without bias is a lost art.  

So, we sit on the precipice of a new President and we don't even know for sure who that is going to be, yet. ACA is being litigated with the new justice that the left has accused of somehow being able to single handedly get rid of it.  That's not the way it works, there is a full panel of SC justices, one person isn't able to do anything in and of themselves. I would love ACA to be dumped, personally, and replaced with something reasonable - well actually I spent my entire adult life paying for health care without any government help, I'm not really a fan of government sponsored healthcare insurance.  Medicare would be the exception since so many people are already on it and many people would be screwed without it.  

The other interesting thing that has occurred is that Real Clear Politics has rescinded their version of the electoral college map showing biden the winner.  That is interesting.  It's now got a lot of states shaded grey - presumably because of requests for recounts and lawsuits. Do I think anything will become of it? I have no idea.  I'm just going to sit back and watch this event unfold. In my view, it's just guessing whether it will change the outcome of this election or not.  Remember, the pollsters had biden winning this thing in a landslide, they said all the way up until election night that there would be a blue wave.  Trump supporters gave a definitive no to that scenario.  The pollsters also declared the House would pick up at least 10 seats. They were WOEFULLY wrong in that prediction and gives credence to the fact that pollsters have it all wrong - and probably some of them intentionally so.

You look at the methodology and you find democrats over sampled. Skewed questioning.  

Anyway, time to get some breakfast and get out of here.  


Monday, November 9, 2020

 Today.  I figured my fate would be revealed to me this morning.  I didn't even come out of my bedroom today until 9:30 am, figuring I would get whatever news I was going to get.  I needed a break from the boys anyway, I've been dealing with them for days, Maria was over to watch them today.  Taylor started her new job and since the boys are being quarantined from school and daycare, someone has to watch them.

I was getting rather irritated that by noon, I still hadn't heard anything.  I'm just the employee, not the manager/management, it's their place to tell me what's happening next. Keeping me on hold for 5 days is rather ridiculous.  I found some interesting leads for jobs today, but I didn't fill out any applications.  I figured if I'm going to be let go, I'll take my time in only filling out apps that interest me, that look like something I'd like to do, versus thousands of trucking jobs available. I literally could be hired tomorrow morning if I wanted to just do anything.  In fact, there is the owner of a company that has been texting me on and off for 2 years now asking me to join his team.  Just saying, there's no scarcity of trucking jobs. 

But trucking jobs aren't all the same and I am not going into all of that, it would take a book's worth to adequately describe what goes on in the pay and retention part of the trucking industry concerning company drivers.  And it would be boring, lol.   

I finally came out of the room and conversed with Maria. It took me quite a while to even get into the mood to want to be talking to anyone, I couldn't get my mind to be doing anything else until I heard from management.

3:00 pm arrived.  That's around the time loads are usually dispatched. That's just a time frame that isn't set in stone. No call, no text.  I was sitting here attempting to decide whether I should contact them first, or just wait and see if they ever actually get around to calling me.  It didn't take much longer after that for this to be resolved. Or at least, partially so. My manager contacted me around 3:30 pm.  Can you come tomorrow at around 10:30 am?  Kenny is here, don't take that wrong, he just happened to be here, not because of you.  Oh? It's been 5 days, I figured after this much time y'all were going to be letting me go.  

Why not say that? You can't leave an employee hanging that long without at least communicating with you what's going on.  5 days?  I can only guess that they must have been having talks with Cheniere about what happened or even investigation on Cheniere side as to their security firm personnel involved with this situation. Remember, this security company is a separate entity.  I continue to wish that there is video surveillance footage of that supervisor going off on me, raising his arms and throwing them around all over the place, livid, out of his mind, ridiculous and outrageous behavior for someone in that position considering what had actually transpired.  

My manager replied, well I wouldn't think that at all if I were you!  We are going to sit down and get this thing resolved and behind us.  That kind of gave me an answer.  I won't be let go, but I can probably expect an in-person interrogation from this middle level manager.  +

Tomorrow will be day 6 of not having had worked.  

Anyway, that's where I'm at now, at least I'll have some resolution to this situation tomorrow, regardless of the outcome, I want this over with.  

And an odd thing tonight. We're standing around in the kitchen - everyone - tonight and the power goes out.  A minute later, come on. Out, on, out, on, out on, out, on out.  The final time, it stayed off. We sat around for awhile doing nothing. Yes, the generator is out there, but it means hooking up extension cords and running them throughout the house. But after a while? I went outside, fired the thing up, ran a line into my room, was about done with that and then...the power came back on lol.  

That's enough, it's bedtime.


Sunday, November 8, 2020

 So, after being requested to do so, I wrote up a detailed accounting of what happened at cheniere and sat on it for 2 days - until today that is. He didn't want it until tonight and obviously I'm not going to be sent out on any more runs until they decide whether I stay or go.  

I'm not going to wait on a potential "go" decision and will be putting out applications at places that look like they are decent, pay somewhere in the range I want and are home or mostly home daily.  
That may be a challenge, of course, especially the home daily part, but that is where my search will begin.  The money I have been saving for land will just have to be spent on living expenses if it comes down to that.  If so, I have enough money in my account to last probably 5 or 6 months if I don't do anything but pay bills, eat and not go out to eat or any of the other things I occasionally do that cost money.  

I have to say here that I never intended on this job being a permanent one, I just wanted to get some money saved up and then find something different that doesn't keep my out for days at a time.  That gets old, I'll tell ya right now.  The normal 600 plus miles per day and 14 hour shifts are part of that thinking.  Sure, there are shorter runs, but all of the shorter runs cost 14 hours and more.  I figured 3 more years or so and then find something different.  

Anyway, I am partially at fault for the event that transpired there, of that I won't lie about and didn't with the accounting I sent in. Clear conscience and also they probably have asked for and received the accounting from the security guards. Tho I have to wonder how that supervisor could possibly defend his demeanor during that event in going off the rails, yelling and completely unprofessional conduct. That facility is a multi-billion dollar operation, but, if they don't have any recordings of him going off then it's their word against mine and I will simply accept the fact that my word will be discounted and my employer, the "at will" people that get rid of people all the time - are going to dismiss me.

I am not wanting that kind of outcome, but I'm definitely mentally prepared for that, including the idea of having to go tomorrow and clean out my stuff out of the truck.  There will be no hard feelings, I"m not going to become agitated there, I'll shake the manager's hand if he allows me to do so, say nice working with you and move on with my life.  

But again, if that's what happens, I'm going to focus my search on lucrative local jobs.  Now that I have 3 solid years of accident free tanker experience, perhaps I can get on a fuel gig.  Or some other type of tanker setup that pays - usually much better than dry vans, reefer or flatbed hauling.  I have experience in all of that and more.  There are other tanker companies that go to the loading plant - but I haven't heard anything great from the drivers there about how the company treats them.  

Enough of that. I am hauling dirt today from the pile that was dumped. I'm almost half finished hauling the dirt but the project in the back is almost full.  The holes have been filled around the yard and the hole in the front yard is finished. Meaning I have more dirt than I needed.  I'm going to haul several loads to behind the shed and dump a pile there for future use, I did that a few years ago and ended up using all of it. The rest I  guess I'll just have to dump in the stream. The next heavy rain that comes will wash all of that away.  Speaking of rain, I need to get that stuff out of there on the side of the house before that happens. So I"m gonna haul another 10 loads today and try to finish up tomorrow. Even if my company lets me stay on, I won't have any work tomorrow.  

And as far as the news goes? I'm not watching any of it.  I shut it off after the projected Biden win for the most part.  Today I've watched nothing but a few clips of Biden continuing to claim he is going to "unite the nation".  Biden isn't the person that will united this nation, neither is Harris. They both have blasted Trump and supporters for years now but especially heated up after they won the democrat nomination.  We've been labeled racists forever and I'm sick of it.  The left haven't even stopped calling GOP names, it's still going on, which is why I decided to shut off the news for the most part and just take a glance here and there. Michelle Obama took a huge swipe at republicans, not just trump and so have a lot of hollywood elites, left politicians and definitely left media types gloating and smearing trump supporters.  If that's their formulae for uniting a divided nation, I have news for them.

As it stands, my belief is that only the Lord can unite this nation and I'm not sure that's going to happen. Or if it does, it will be under severely dire circumstances which force us to have to band together against a common enemy.  

I AM curious as to what Trump is going to do with his last days.  I know the election is only projected to Biden, but I don't see anything concrete happening that will change the outcome regardless of if there is fraud and faulty machinery that was allegedly giving Biden votes that should have been counted as Trump and so on. He could probably get the Senate to continue on with appointing Federal justices if nothing else.  Might as well get something accomplished in his last days.  If there was some miracle and Trump somehow were to win this election, the chaos that would ensue isn't something I even want to think about.  

And the news just in that Alex Trebek has died at the age of 80.  RIP

With that, I"m heading out the door and hauling more dirt.  

Thursday, November 5, 2020

 So, some interesting news today.

Nothing to do with politics.

Taylor calls me.  She rarely calls, we mostly text.  We talk a lot in person, calling isn't really necessary. 

I'm thinking, hmm, what is she calling me about?  Took the call, of course.  She needed to tell me something about Phoenix: a classmate had exposed everyone in the class to COVID-19.  The school told her that he had to be quarantined for 14 days at home.  

Keep a 5 year old boy, active, likes to be outdoors, quarantined in the house for 14 days.....

And, the possibility that he may have contracted it - and - if that's true, we're all doomed.   Well I shouldn't say doomed, exactly, more like probably going to get the virus and hopefully walk out of it on the other side. 

Am I concerned? Yup, a little. The virus does take lives.  I'm no ready to be scratched off of the "still among the living" list just yet.  

Oh and yesterday I may have just ended my employment with my current company.

Not intentionally, of course, but never-the-less.  

I got to Cheniere. There are 3 checkpoints you have to go through. The third one is the only one of any importance. The first one is just the entrance to a driveway to get to entrances.  In other words, you aren't in the plant yet getting through the first gate.  They always just ask if you know what you are doing and you tell them yes, are you searching trucks today? If not I'm going to gate 3 to get my visitors badge.  Ok and they wave you on.

The second - as already stated. A search.  Their version of a search is quite flawed, if anyone wanted to bring in some sort of explosive devices or firearms or whatever evil these people are looking for in trucks, it would be quite easy to get away with it.  So that's a waste of time and they don't always do it.  Which makes it even more questionable. One day I may be a threat but another I' am not?

The third is where they take your credentials and issue you the pass. That's where you actually get escorted into the plant.  I absolutely despise that place simply because of all of this and several security officers with attitudes and authoritarian complexes up the ying yang. I probably didn't help that I had just gotten the news about Phoenix and exposure to COVID-19 and whether he will get it and in turn, the rest of us will definitely get it. He's always getting up close and personal with me, all the time when I'm home.  If I sit down at the couch, he's plopping himself right down next to me.  If I'm sitting at the bar in the kitchen, he's right there.  

Anyway, I gave the man my name and spelled it out for him, my last name sometimes gets spelled wrong.  He then said he needed my ID.  What for?  Just struck me wrong.  Having to give ID 3 times in 3 separate places is ridiculous and nonsensical.   He immediately got on the phone with whoever.  I didn't lose my cool, I didn't hurl insults at him, I didn't get rude with him at all.  He, however, got major attitude and the next thing I know, there is a supervisor there.  I had gotten out my phone, dangling my TWIC card, waiting for the dude to come back out of his little shell. He did come back out, refused to even look at it and that's when the supervisor showed up - I showed him the card but he also refused to look at it or even speak with me at all.  

I took a recording of that - I wasn't actually on their property, well sort of but not inside the property.  The supervisor yelled at me I couldn't record on their property.  So I shut the phone off.  I was then escorted into the facility - but not into the plant - to a turn around for trucks about a half mile down, turned around and they let me loose. I stopped right next to the highway - I had 2 minutes of paperwork to do before I could leave - that's federal regulation stuff - while I was doing that, this supervisor came up to the truck and stood there with his arms crossed, not saying anything, glaring at me.  

I opened my window....yes?  You need to leave, you need to leave right now!  GET OUT OF HERE!  I still kept my cool "I have a little bit of paperwork to do before I can leave". YOU CAN'T DO YOUR PAPERWORK HERE, YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE, LEAVE! LEAVE NOW! GET OUT OF HERE! 

It was all I could do to stop from laughing at this idiot.  I take humor in people having meltdowns over nothing, I see it all the time on the internet, don't get to see it too often in real life.  I just kept a blank look on my face and said nothing more to him.  He abruptly stopped his tirade and walked off, I sat there another 75 seconds finishing up what I was doing.  My fate was already sealed at that point, I thought, might as well just do what I was doing and then leave. There was no traffic coming in or out of the facility, I wasn't blocking anything and I was at the very edge of their property.  

My manager called me back after about 10 miles of driving - can you please turn around and go back if I can get the plant manager to get security to allow you  in? Sure.  I don't care, I have no axe to grind with these security people.  Whatever happened, it was nixed.  Just come back to the yard, I got texted about 15 minutes later.  I am guessing some lying from security guards about what transpired, which is why I am glad I at least got a video of the guard shack dude refusing to look at my ID.  At the point I pulled that out, it should have been over.  They should have just done their jobs and none of this would have happened.

I don't claim to be a perfect person and there are things that bust my nuts and authoritarian security officers that go off without reason and get all heated up over literally nothing is one of them.  This isn't the customer, this is a hired firm also working for the customer.  We all have weaknesses, shortcomings, failures.  I could have just produced the ID right off and that would have been that.  It just took me by surprise and it didn't set right with me.  They did that the last time I was there as well, but never before that. Last time, I just complied without saying anything and the security guard at the entrance there was just as ridiculous as this dude - excepting he didn't have a melt down.  The supervisor was a complete whack job, has no business being in that position. Going off the rails like that without even talking to me, at all.  A person in that position should have a bit better temperament than that, but it just goes to prove my assertions that a lot of these people are on power trips.  Just like bad cops.  The bad ones are also like this. Power trips. I rarely run into them, thankfully.  They have no business being in that line of work.  I suspect many of them choose that line of work just because they can act out like that, asserting their will on people.  

So, I drove all the way back with a loaded trailer, got to the yard, dropped it, parked the tractor, went into the office, turned in my paperwork, came out, a truck was backing under the trailer, apparently the manager had gotten someone else to take it right back down there.  I've heard nothing from my manager/company since last night but I assume trouble for they will undoubtedly blame me for this incident regardless of what actually happened and that will be that.  I'm not going to sweat it, I've already been looking for jobs and found a rea doozy. It's a local job, home every night, around 70k a year. A bit of a pay cut but I could deal with that in exchange for being home more often.  

My company likes to remind everyone, frequently, that employment is "at will". What they mean is that they can release  you at any time without warning or even without a reason.  That is what had me nervous when I first started here and went through their training program - the dude didn't thank us for working for them, he instead told us the many different ways that we could be fired, terminated and done away with. 

It has sat in the back of my mind ever since then and the frequent "at will" garbage. Texas isn't a union state, they could do that anyway without the reminders.  People have been laid off, others have been terminated, more have been furloughed.  It's literally nothing to them to get rid of people. So, if that was my last ride with them, so beit.  I very much like the look of the job I saw where  you haul an oil tanker to "injection points" along pipelines and pump oil straight into the pipes.  There was no explanation why that needed to be done, but there was the thing about the money and about being home every night, rarely ever have to spend overnight on the road.  There are other tanker jobs in there, the pay is around 75k.  Again, a pay cut but not enough to change much of anything besides perhaps reduce the amount of money I am currently saving for retirement and property.  

I'm just saying all of that without even knowing what my fate it. I am not the first one that has been banned from Cheniere. Another, much longer tenured driver, lost it with them years ago and told them off to their faces. They banned him as well.  There isn't a single driver that actually likes going there and most openly give the manager a hard time about getting any runs down there. I don't - or didn't - do that unless I'm given more than one in a row.  

I did not send out any applications, I was just looking to see if anything decent available out there.  

The election is still undecided.  Pretty much, in my mind, if Nevada goes to Biden, the election is over. They are still counting ballots in Arizona and the Trump campaign has high hopes of that coming his way even tho news outlets have declared it a Biden win.  Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina are also still counting ballots.  But I think it's Nevada that determines this election and as of right now, that's not looking good for Trump. On a brighter note, at least for me, the Senate appears as tho it will stay under Republican control, which, along with the 3 justices Trump had appointed in the supreme court, puts a blockade to any democrat extreme progressive garbage that they want to try enacting on the citizens.  McConnell, tho, needs to get a bigger backbone and not cave so easily to dem demands, is all I am concerned about.  There are enough dissenters in the republican side that if McConnell does try some garbage, it won't ever pass anyway.  So that's a bit of a sigh of relief.  

Biden, however, can attempt to get us into more wars.  He's pro abortion.  He can sign executive orders.  Talked about tearing down the wall that's been build on the southern border.  Open borders.  other outrageous schemes to give away America to illegals.  Every President relies on Executive orders to get things done they otherwise can't, nothing new there.  I'm not going to have a melt down, not going to start shooting people, not going to start burning down buildings and all the other nonsense that dems were promising us if another Trump win occurs.  I'll be sad about my 401k if the stock market crashes, that was getting up there quite nicely.

At home? both boys are home for 14 days.  That's right.  14 days of - well you know, kids that age get bored, they get cranky, they start fighting with each other, they start defying parents, things that kids that age do, especially when confined for lengthy periods of time.  So that has already been fun, lol.  I hauled some loads of dirt from the pile that was dumped the other day. The front hole is either filled enough or maybe another couple of loads. The pond hole in the back I got several loads dumped in there as well. Far from finished.  But wanted to put a dent in that and get some of it done.  

Well, Taylor is off to the chiropractor.  She has a knot in her back and she says whenever it comes, she can't breath right - she has asthma and breathing problems.  The boys are sleeping, thankfully.  So, just kicking back with some actual quiet time, the news turned off.  I'm 75% sure biden is going to win this, already prepared my mind for that eventuality.  It's still possible for a Trump win, but not very likely from what I can see.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

 So now our company is back to installing cameras in every truck.  Forget that the fleet is aging and most of the trucks need replaced - we're talking as much as 900k miles on many of them in the fleet. Mine has half a million miles and THAT is considered well over the threshold of most major trucking companies for how long they will keep a truck before getting rid of it.  

The thing that bothered me about this camera stuff was the inward facing junk.  I would have seriously considering quitting over that.  They don't need to see what I am doing inside of the truck.  We LIVE in those things when we're on the road, we do things other than just driving it. They want to be able to "coach us" if they see something that they don't think is "safe driving". How will they know when that happens? Are they going to have staff going over countless hours of driving to find ever driver's mistakes? Who is going to coach us? I've been driving 36 years, I doubt there is much of anyone available that is going to show me anything different than I already know.

Knock on wood, I have never had an at-fault accident in a truck and I intend on staying vigilant to make sure it doesn't happen in the future.  Anyway, they canned the inward facing thing - drivers gave their opinions and it wasn't anything the company wanted to hear - people talking of quitting.  I worked for a very short time for a company that had inward facing cameras AND microphones listening to everything you're doing in there. Just won't do that again.  I'd hate to have to leave this job right now, but I'd find something else even at lower pay before putting up with that nonsense. My reaction to such foolery is to ask them if they are going to have cameras in their bedrooms as well that we can see? They look at me funny. Exactly, those trucks are also our bedrooms at night.  We take our clothing off in there and we sleep in there.  I don't want you watching me doing my private, personal stuff, thanks.  

And got a text from my manager, I knew this was coming sooner or later as the news of at least 47 loads going there came at me a few days ago: Cheniere.  I don't need to tell you how I hate going to that place since y'all already know. I'll just grin and bear it and hope that by some miracle I can get it done tomorrow and not have it dragged into a second day!  The truck is filled with fuel, at least. If it were to come down to a time thing and I could possibly make it back tomorrow night, getting fuel on the way back up can be bypassed. 

The truck arrived with the dirt.  It's a lot of dirt lol.  More than I wanted but it's on the property now.  I am not doing any of that today, the jackhammer was enough of an ordeal for me.  I just wanted it here so my next day off I can start hauling dirt to various places around the property, both out front and mostly in the back.  Since the hole in the front was my doings and also the hole for the in ground pond in the back also my doings, I had no problem paying for this load of dirt in here.  It was a lot more than it's likely worth, just needs to be done and spending too much time looking for that "deal" wasn't worth it to me.  I can get stuff done, including mowing the back yard as low as the mower will go and shave it down to the ground.  Then plant rye seed. It has transformed into very little grass and some sort of low lying weed that doesn't grow high enough for the current setting for the blade.  Smart weed? I have no idea, but that sucker will go to almost ground level. Rye grass grows easily, like weeds really.  And it's beautiful, even if only for the winter.  It's going to take turning up all the dirt with a machine next season to actually get some bermuda grass growing in there.  

Not sure I'm that motivated.  Just a lot of work.  And rather costly for renting the machine and buying all of that grass seed. And even more work maintaining it with all of these trees dumping garbage all year long all over it. And then dogs pooping all over it lmao.  

FINALLY!!! The no bark collars finally arrived. 3 of them.  These aren't shock collars, they let off a vibration that dogs don't like and on high setting, also some sort of noise they apparently doing like either.  They will all be set on high setting the first day.  Aspyn has gotten them all barking. Even Adler is barking far more than normal.  I've had enough of it and they aren't going to like it, but for our sanity and the neighbor's we had no choice.  My cop neighbor says he never hears them barking, considering they bark all day long on their side of the house, that's amazing. But still, they drive us nuts with the incessant noise. 

I just increased my 401k savings by one percentage point and apparently started a Roth IRA account - which I didn't know I had available - and decided to put 1% in that.  Yes, that's a pittance but what with what I am having deducted to my 401k and the automatic deductions going into my savings account with Chase bank, it's really getting up there on the savings stuff.  I'm around 25% of my income being saved now.  Funny how making good money allows for that and still live your life and do pretty much whatever you want to do within reason.  Beyond my automatic deductions, I dump a lump sum into my savings account every month - up to $500 depending on the income that month and where I want my savings account to go to.  If I'm at $9,100, I'll put in $400 to bring it up to a nice $9,500. stuff like that.  

Truck purchase put on hold.  No way of knowing what's going to happen today or whenever the presidential candidate is declared and what's going to happen next.  I don't think it prudent to be getting into a higher monthly payment with the uncertainty that lies before us.  And, I have decided that I don't want to pay 35k for a used truck.  It's probably a good deal for what it is, but it's too much money. I'm frugal in some things and not so much in others, but with used vehicles? This is why I wait for a while and let reason and analyzation have time to kick in over the "wow that's awesome i want to buy it today" stuff.  My limit will go down to 20 to 25k - lower payments, will result in needing to buy a bit older vehicle, which I'm okay with.  My thought process, tho, is buy a brand new truck that will last me the rest of my life.  Fun, yet unreasonable. 60 plus thousand will be a pricey monthly payment.  

I've seen plenty of older trucks that I would love to be in.  In fact, the alien type design of new GMC vehicles I don't even like.  Amazingly, I love the look of the new Fords and could handle that - but - no thanks.  A GMC diesel, 4 door with long bed.  That's my "dream" truck.  


Wednesday morning.  The presidency is still in limbo.  Both sides are claiming victory.  Talk of people burning flags? Wisconsin running out of ink? Millions of ballots still needing to be counted in Pennsylvania and other states... The only good news I have heard is that Republicans have retained the Senate, regardless of which way the presidency goes, the Republic is saved. From what? AOC types taking over Congress and pushing this nation off the far left cliff.  That's what.  The House is still undetermined by they are calling it for Democrats.  That's kind of a downer since the House controls the purse strings of the nation and Pelosi has done nothing but play political games with it. Didn't expect that to flip, tho, and was holding my breath about whether the Senate would remain under Republican control. So, even if Biden does win, there will be gridlock for 4 years. McDonnell easily won his state, we'll have the same majority leader who has, imo, done an excellent job at least in recent days of standing up to Pelosi and her minions.  

But, I will still stand my prediction that if Biden wins, the stock market will crash at some point in the near future, if not immediately.  

Whatever the case, I'm going to watch some news and try to get caught up and try to wrap my mind around a Cheniere run coming up today.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Well I finally did it. Had today off, voted last week, didn't need to go to the polls.  Taylor is still home - she starts new job this week sometime, we went out to eat breakfast with Jaxon, who had a slight fever at the day care yesterday and they sent him home. Like a 99.1 fever.  They have to stay out for 24 hours and not show any further fever.  Anyway, we went to the rental place after eating, got an electric jackhammer, brought it home and got that cement garbage out of there.  

It was quite the chore.  I'm not near in the shape I used to be, as I found out that today more so than ever.  Just holding that thing up and keeping it in place was quite the job.  They make quite the money off of those rentals. $75 for the jackhammer and the bit.  You rent the bit separately - I guess if you ruin it you get to buy them a new one.  It's done, regardless, it's level with the ground. That was easily the hardest part of this pond installation.  I am now looking for a partial truck load of dirt to be brought over - or have it dumped onto the trailer and bring it home myself.  I need to fill in where the pond used to be and I need to level out where that concrete stump was.  

However, finding dirt hasn't exactly been a cake walk. A person 2 towns over was selling it - but neither can bring it here or load it onto the trailer.  I have no idea what that setup is and I don't want to find out.  I want the dirt loaded onto the trailer at the very least, I don't want to have to shove it onto the trailer and then shovel it back off.  No thanks, more trouble than it's worth.  And found a guy who is bringing out a large trailerful of it. Probably lots more than I need, but these companies won't just bring you a partial load even if you tell them you'll put for the whole load and just put on half or less. So whatever, it's coming today, in about 20 minutes in facts. There are some low spots in the yard that need filling and there is still the remnants of a hole I had dug out front for a pond that, after having it dug, I realized was a bad idea and never finished building that pond.  

So I got something done today at least.  "Minor" cheat day.  Had some potatoes this morning and having pasta tonight.  After that back to the diet and seriously considering switching to a different one that isn';t quite so hard to do, especially when out on the road.  As long as I can still keep the pounds off and lose even more.  

The news - full of election day stuff. But there are no results being posted yet, it's too early, so I have it muted.  Just turning up the volume to anything that looks interesting.  I was watching Jaxon while Taylor went and got her allergy meds.  I have no idea who is going to win this election.  I really have no indication either way. I hope it's Trump but there is certainly no guarantees of that happening.  Apparently a lot of people are going to the polls today, which is amazing because 100 million people have already done early voting.  Which is also amazing.  The commentators and the pundits are all whipping this up to be a Biden landslide.

I don't believe it's going to be a landslide either way, but I'll truly be shocked if Biden actually does win in a landslide.  And sad, because I fully expect the stock market to crash if he wins.  The news channel I'm looking at on the internet is showing nothing in any of the states yet. It's too early, but if you can't tell, I'm fully engaged in this. This election cycle has been horrible.  The name calling, the accusations, the finger pointing, all of it, unbelievable. I'm ready for all of this to be over, whoever wins, wins and maybe get back to some sense of normalcy again?  

Alright I'm getting offa here for the man with the dirt will be here soon. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

 Off to Brownsville, I'm the first load which is - early.  Got a reprieve with Daylight Savings Time going back an hour, We're 2 days away from the election.  I'll be on the road today and tomorrow unless I get hung up in Brownsville which would have me coming back through Houston on Election Day.

Not too worried about that tho, I doubt we're going to see the results until late night or some are predicting even days and weeks because of the massive numbers of mail in ballots.  But, reports also declare that Biden has hundreds of lawyers poised to file suits in every state in the Union. 

That alone tells me that this is going to be a contested race and could drag on for a while without any declared winner.  

I think we're in for a wild ride here.  Predictions that major cities will erupt into rioting will probably come to pass, seems like the people perpetrating that nonsense will use any excuse to loot and then burn down buildings.  

Anyway, we pretty much spent all day yesterday doing Halloween. I'm usually not home for any kind of holiday, so it was a treat for me. We couldn't find a single pumpkin anywhere in the city or the next city over. Kind of waited a bit long to get some but I've never seen a town completely sol out of them.  Didn't really make sense.  The boys were a bit disappointed in that.

We decided to go to a neighborhood known for houses giving out treats and tho it wasn't near as many this year as last - Taylor said the entire neighborhood was doing it last year - there were still plenty of houses with people sitting out front, dressed up in costume and giving out candy. I drove the pickup, they sat on the tailgate with the boys safely in the bed of the truck and I only went like 5mph to be safe.

Yes they asked me to drive as Taylor had seen so many people doing it that way last year.  It became readily evident that we would have to go through a large portion of that neighborhood to get any real amount of candy.  The boys were having a blast. Phoenix was dressed up as Spider Man and Jaxon was dressed up as a police officer.  The only glitch was we showed up too early, so we went to Chili's and had a bit, used up an hour there and were just in time for the festivities to begin. We were the first wave of people going through neighborhoods.  

Saw the cop next door at the Chili's - hadn't seen him in a long, long time.  He said he would be sitting out on his porch tonight, come over and visit. So when we got back, I did just that.  he had been working security at Sam's Club for 8 months and making bank in doing so. $40 per hour plus OT.  he said in that amount of time he was able to stash away 40 grand on top of his regular pay as a banker.  Wow is all I can say about that. At the same time, sacrificing your life for money isn't really all that worth it for me.  I guess I put in plenty of hours, but what he was doing was even beyond what I do.

He's done with that now, he says, and will be home a lot more.  Since he's a cop he told me he could get me a pistol that I've been wanting for $500. That pistol is easily over a grand anywhere and you can't even find that version of a .45 ACP right now.  I've looked.  What do you need another pistol for? I"ve always wanted a .45.  He said next time he's in Dallas he'll get me one.  As of right now, he's having his knees replaced next Friday.  

Well I can't go on too long here, work looms. It's Sunday, so the dogs are staying in my room until they get up this morning. I had to order 3 new bark collars, Aspyn has them all barking now and they are ALL going to STOP with that nonsense.  It won't take much to get Addler ot stop, but Aspyn won't shut up unless I go out there and yell at her.  

Anyways, off to the races. I do hope this trip I get a bit of detention pay even if only overnight version.


Friday, October 30, 2020

 Just a quick update. 

The truck would be in t he mid 30k range.  It's what I expected after looking up pricing from various sites.  The interior appears to be in excellent condition.  My monthly vehicle payment would go up from the $350 it is now to somewhere in the $500 range. I could easily swing that.  5 year loan I'm assuming. 

Giving this some serious consideration. The only thing I really don't like about the truck is that it's white.  I like something with some color to it, but it's definitely not a deal breaker.  OTOH, there will be more of those trucks coming in over time. The Ford dealership I am doing business with bought out the Chevy dealership in this town so I know people will trade in their older vehicles to buy new ones.  I just won't buy a new vehicle, They're nice, yes, a novelty. A novelty that loses thousands of dollars of value when you drive off  the lot.  And the price tag with a new version of this truck would easily be in the 50k range.  

But, I'm in no hurry to make the wrong decision.  Just in the thinking process right now.  

  A long night of below freezing temps coming up starting tomorrow night.  But, we seem to have everything covered. The people living there?...